- About JET
- Administration
- Creating an App
- Basic Functions
- Advanced Functions
- Automation Parameters
- Field Value Selection
- Field Value Formatting
- Field Value Manipulation
- Total Count of a Form
- Total Sum of Field
- Minimum Value of Field
- Maximum Value of Field
- Average Value of Field
- Site Level Parameters - Site Name
- Site Level Parameters - Login User
- Site Level Parameters - Login User Email
- Owner Email
- Check Permission Group
- Date Time Addition
- Email Image
- CheckBox Condition
- Usage of Time Fields
- Parent Form Updates
- 3rd Party API
- Other Features
- Known Issues & Solutions
- Linux
- Windows
9.Known Issues & Solutions
Known Issues & Solutions
This page will list known issues & solutions or perhaps workaround for them.
This is to address issues related to your production environment which JET would not be able to resolve.
Table of Contents
Unable to click UNC links.
This is restricted by the web browser. You will need to identify the method by which each browser can allow this.
Chrome has an extension on its web store that will help on this.
Search the web store for the below.
Enable local file links
Edge allows you to use extension from Chrome Web Store.
Search the web store for the below.
Enable local file links
Firefox allows you to control Local file links via GPO
Replace the url below with your own JET url if you have hosted it on your own cloud service.
Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\LocalFileLinks\1 = "https://demo.jetworkflow.com"
Blank page on website after updating MySQL version
Usual practices for updating MySQL version involves exporting the database from the previous MySQL version and import into the new one.
So you may encounter a blank page when you try to access the website again.
In this case, it is likely that you may have missed the import of one or more of the databases.
Blank page on website after updating Php version
Take note that as of this writing, JET versions 5.04 and before are only compatible with php version 7.4
So you will get blank pages if you are trying to use any php version that is 8 and above.
Do note that we are working on this and it would be updated here once its done.