- About JET
- Administration
- Creating an App
- Basic Functions
- Advanced Functions
- Automation Parameters
- Field Value Selection
- Field Value Formatting
- Field Value Manipulation
- Total Count of a Form
- Total Sum of Field
- Minimum Value of Field
- Maximum Value of Field
- Average Value of Field
- Site Level Parameters - Site Name
- Site Level Parameters - Login User
- Site Level Parameters - Login User Email
- Owner Email
- Check Permission Group
- Date Time Addition
- Email Image
- CheckBox Condition
- Usage of Time Fields
- Parent Form Updates
- 3rd Party API
- Other Features
- Known Issues & Solutions
- Linux
- Windows
3.8.Reserved Words
Reserved Words are words that users should not be using in the field names.
- “project”
- “sc”
- “id_form”
- “id_record”
- “video”
- “owner”
- “description”
If any of the above words are used in the Field Name, upon the user clicking save, there would be a popup message warning the user that the name is reserved.
Note that this applies regardless of upper or lower case versions of the word.