Relational Dropdown List

Relational Dropdown List

A relational dropdown list consists of two dropdown list.
We will call the two dropdown list, parent and child dropdown lists.

When the user select a different option for the parent dropdown list, the child dropdown list will show a different set of options based on the selected choice of the parent dropdown list.

In this example, the parent dropdown list contains a list of country names and the child dropdown which display the state of the country will display the choices based on the country you have selected.

Step 1: We first create a form to contain all the country and state information

  • Create a form named “Master”
  • Add two fields, Country and State
  • Add the data into this form

Step 2. Next, we create the user form, in this case, we are creating a registration form. For this demo, we are only creating three fields.

The field mapping for the registration form should now look like this.

Step 3: There are some additional commands required to make the relational dropdown list work properly.

   parentDropdown: "country",
   childDropdown: "state",
   dataSource: { formID: 474, parentField:"countryname", childField:"statename"}


This command indicates the parent and child dropdown fieldname of the registration form, with the data coming from the relative parentField and childField of the Master form.

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