- About JET
- Administration
- Creating an App
- Basic Functions
- Advanced Functions
- Automation Parameters
- Field Value Selection
- Field Value Formatting
- Field Value Manipulation
- Total Count of a Form
- Total Sum of Field
- Minimum Value of Field
- Maximum Value of Field
- Average Value of Field
- Site Level Parameters - Site Name
- Site Level Parameters - Login User
- Site Level Parameters - Login User Email
- Owner Email
- Check Permission Group
- Date Time Addition
- Email Image
- CheckBox Condition
- Usage of Time Fields
- Parent Form Updates
- 3rd Party API
- Other Features
- Known Issues & Solutions
- Linux
- Windows
5.1.Inter-Form Relation
Inter-Form Relation
What is inter-form relation?
It allows you to use data from another form onto current form. In the main form, when add/edit data, you will be able to choose the field data (whose data is linked/contained within the form) from the sub form. When there is a new data added to the sub form, the corresponding field in the main form will also be updated.How to create relationship between 2 forms?
Create a Customer form (Form Type: Filter)
Step 1 Create a Customer form as filter.

Creating inter-form relation

Step 2 Add in the fields to the Customer form.

Step 3 Add in data to the Customer form.

Step 4 Go to Manage form > click on field mapping for newForm. Add in Customer Field. (Field type: Relation (list), Listbox Source: Customer, Show Field: Name.)
Note: Listbox Source> select the Form name. Show Field is to select the Field Name in the Form.

Step 5 Go to the new Form, edit any of the data and under the Customer Field you will be able to select data that is contained in Customer Form.
Add Mobile Number to main form.
Step 6 Change Mobile Number field to relation(list) and point to Customer form Mobile field.
Explanation on filter on the left navigation bar
When the form Field Type is Filter, the left navigation bar will show the Form search bar. Which allows you to search data within the form itself or search data from a form that has an inter-form relation.