Relation (list)

What is Relation (list) in field mapping?

The relation (list) in field mapping allows the users to choose another form’s field that this form is related to. It allows the user to use data from another form onto the current form.

In the main form, when you can add/edit data, you will be able to choose from the Field data (whose data is linked/contained within the form) from the Filter form. When there are new Data or new fields added to the filter form, the corresponding field in the main form will also be updated.

An example is shown below.

How to create relationship between 2 forms?

Step 1:

  • Create 2 new forms and the form type would be set as Filter.
  • Go to Manage>Click add forms

Step 2/3:

  • Form Name: Food Menu / Drinks Menu
  • Form Type: Filter
  • Filter Field Name: Food / Drinks
  • Form Order: 2 / 3
  • Access Level: Public
  • Ask row delete reasons: Yes

Step 4:

  • Add in Field mapping for the filter forms (Food and Drinks Menu)
  • Field Name/Field Label: Name
  • Field Type: Text
  • Is required: *do no tick*
  • Form Order: 1

Step 5:

  • Add in Field mapping for the filter forms (Food and Drinks Menu)
  •  Field Name/Field Label: Price
  • Field Type: Numeric or currency
  • Is required: *do no tick*
  • Form Order: 2

Step 6:

  • Key in data to the filter forms (Food and Drinks Menu).
  • Click on forms on the Home page via the left navigation bar.
  • Click on the Food or drinks Menu and select Add which allows us to assign data or entries to the field of “Food Menu” or “Drinks Menu” Forms.

Step 6:

  • Key in the desired entries for the data to be reflected.
  • For example:
  • Food Menu: Chicken Rice $3, Duck Rice $3, Chicken Noodle $4, Duck Noodle $4, Nil $0
  • Drinks Menu: Tea $2, Coffee $2, Water $3, Nil $0

Step 7: It will reflect something like this.

Users will be able to key in data to the forms.

Additionally they will be able to.

  1. Edit and delete data or entries
  2. Arrange the order of data or entries based on Name, Price, Descending, Ascending, or Preferences.
  3. They will be able to view the number of records per page and the view mode (table view or properties view).

Creating an inter-form relation

Step 1: Creating an inter-form relation

Go to Manage > Field Mapping from Main form (Restaurant Menu) > Add field

Step 2:

  • Add field
  • Field Name: Menu selection / Menu selection
  • Field Label: Food selection / Drinks selection
  • Is required: *tick*
  • Field Type: Relation (list)
  • List box source: Food Menu/ Drinks Menu
  • Show Field: Name/ Name
  • Field order: 6/7

*The Field type as mentioned above creates a relation between 2 forms which allows the users to choose another form’s field that this form is related to. It allows the user to use the assigned data from another form onto the current form.

*The Listbox source creates a relation between the food selection & drinks selection forms to the food and drinks menu.

*The show field allows the user to reflect and show the field being keyed into the data of another forms onto the current form.

Step 3:

  • Add in more field to complete the form.
  • Field Name & Field Label/ Field Type
  • Delivery address as Longtext
  • Time of delivery as Time


This will be how the final form look like.



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