How to setup JET (Linux)
Install Lamp Server
Installing Lamp server will install php web services and mysql onto your linux server. Please type in the following command in your linux console.
$ sudo apt-get install lamp-server^

You will be prompted Y/n. Select Y to proceed with the installation.

Note: You may be required to get the latest list of available packages and their versions for your OS first. To do this, run:
$ sudo apt-get update
Resetting mysql password
Use the commands below.
$ sudo mysql -u root
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘password123’;
mysql> exit
$ sudo service mysql restart
Replace “password123” with a password of your choice

Update permissions of the web service folder
Run the commands below to navigate to the /var/www folder and update the permissions of the web service folder:
$ cd /var/www
$ sudo chmod a=rwx html

Symbolic links for data drive
Skip the previous step if you are doing this.
This is meant for if you have a separate Data disk from the OS disk.
Step 1:Backup /var/www/html to /data/application
$ sudo cp -avr /var/www/html/. /data/application
Step 2: Remove the html folder.
$ sudo rm -r /var/www/html
Step 3: Create a symbolic link.
$ sudo ln -sfn /data/application /var/www/html
Step 4: Update folder permissions
sudo chmod a=rwx /data/application/
Pre-requisites (php 7.4 example)
- Install the Linux zip utility
$ sudo apt-get install unzip
$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Install the php zip PHP
$ sudo apt-get install php7.4-zip
$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Install the xmlrpc module in PHP
$ apt-get install php7.4-xmlrpc
$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Install the xml module in PHP
$ sudo apt-get install php-xml
$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Increase the file upload limit in PHP
- Access php.ini on your PHP installation
- Edit the following line with the appropriate value. In this example, I set it as 100M for both.
upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_size = 100M
- Restart the Apache service
$ sudo service apache2 restart
- Increase Memory Limit in PHP
- Access php.ini on your PHP installation
- Edit the following line with the appropriate value based on your server ram allocation.
memory_limit = 500M
- Restart the Apache service.
$ sudo service apache2 restart
Transfer the installer file into /var/www/html
Download and transfer the installer.php file to /var/www/html
Run the installer.php file on a web browser in the same network
Enter SQL credentials and Company ID.
Company ID can be retrieved from the email where you are issued when you purchased JET.

Create your default console login

Login to the console with the credentials you created above

After login, you can begin to create your sites and start using JET