- About JET
- Administration
- Creating an App
- Basic Functions
- Advanced Functions
- Automation Parameters
- Field Value Selection
- Field Value Formatting
- Field Value Manipulation
- Total Count of a Form
- Total Sum of Field
- Minimum Value of Field
- Maximum Value of Field
- Average Value of Field
- Site Level Parameters - Site Name
- Site Level Parameters - Login User
- Site Level Parameters - Login User Email
- Owner Email
- Check Permission Group
- Date Time Addition
- Email Image
- CheckBox Condition
- Usage of Time Fields
- Parent Form Updates
- 3rd Party API
- Other Features
- Known Issues & Solutions
- Linux
- Windows
6.3.Field Value Manipulation
Field Value Manipulation
Sometimes, we need to make use of only certain parts of a field
For example I have a serial number with the first 4 character always changing.
By making use of the above in Set Current Event Values Action, it will become
- field1 — the field where we want to store the new value.
- field2 — the field where we want to retrieve part of the value from.
- i — the position from where we want to retrieve the value
- n — the number of characters we want to retrieve.