Usage of Time Fields

Usage of Time Fields

On this page, we show how we can make use of Time field in automations

We have a function toTime which will convert the field or time value to seconds.

Converting to seconds will not give a user-friendly value, so we need to minus off another time value to get a logical answer.

Dividing the final seconds value by 60s, 60mins, 24hrs will give corresponding values in time.

					(toTime('{Out}')-toTime('09:00 AM'))/(60*60)

This calculates the time from 9am till the ending time which is represented by ‘{Out}’

It then returns the value in hours.

Note that this is usually used in the actions portion of automation.

					(toTime('{Out}')-toTime('09:00 AM'))/(60*60*24)

This shows the same time as the previous one except that it returns the time in days.

					((toTime('{Out}')-toTime('09:00 AM'))/(60*60))>8

This can also be used in the conditions portion of automation. In this case, it will only perform the automation if the calculated time is more than 8 hours.

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